Saturday, January 12, 2013

Finding My Way

I fell asleep to the thought "Can you help me Sister? I seem to have lost my way" looping in my mind. I visualized myself on a journey traveling up a mountainside trail that was filled with women, all seemingly holding some secret to help me find my way to happiness.  In my vision, I was desperate and scared, almost begging for the women to help me. 

When I woke up, I still had those words looping in my head.  "Can you help me Sister? I seem to have lost my way." But now the meaning of those words was completely different.  In my slumber, I untangled those words to realize that MY WAY is not a destination that I am searching for.  MY WAY is how I travel this journey.   I am not lost! I am not on the wrong trail! I was just looking at the wrong thing. 

I doesn't matter where I am today.  How I am living, what I am focusing on, and what I chose to be at this moment is what matters.  Things happen in this life that I can't control but I can control how I react to them.  And if I wish for things to be different, what I have the power to change is my reaction to my circumstances. 

On a side note, I also woke up thinking what a wonderful idea for a new tattoo:  FINDING MY WAY tattooed on my instep.  It would hold both meanings for me.  :-)

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